Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why I'm only just starting to blog

  1. It struck me as too much of a "fad". - I'd say it's been around long enough to prove that impression as incorrect and I've come to like the idea.
  2. I didn't want to use a service that would associate me with a company or product I didn't believe in and I couldn't find a good service I could host myself. - Google is a company I happily and proudly align myself with.
  3. I think I've subconsciously been avoiding the idea because of a fear that I'd spend too much time writing posts.
  4. I worry that writing about the things that I feel most strongly about might back-fire. This means that I'll only be writing about things I'm prepared to address on both a personal and professional level (not just a "personal" blog).
  5. I've made note of enough people sharing their experiences professionally that will save others a significant amount of time/effort and I want to do the same.


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